Zanussi kbi300 холодильник инструкция монтажа

Zanussi ZBB 6286: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Встраиваемый Холодильник Комби

Характеристики, спецификации

Инструкция к Встраивающему Холодильнику Комби Zanussi ZBB 6286




ZBB 6286


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It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future

reference. Should the appliance be sold or transf erred to another owner , or should y ou move house

and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in or der that the

new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the rele vant warnings.

If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring loc k

(latch) on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock unusab le before you discar d the old

appliance. This will prevent it from becoming a death-trap f or a child.

These warnings are pro vided in the interest of safety . Y ou must read them carefully bef ore installing or

using the appliance.

repair the appliance yourself . Repairs carried out

by ine xper ienced persons ma y cause injur y or

• This appliance is not intended for use b y persons

more serious malfunctioning. Refer to y our local

(including children) with reduced physical,

Service Centre, and always insist on gen uine

sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of

experience and knowledge , unless they hav e

• This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its

been given supervision or instruction concer ning

cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must

use of the appliance by a person responsib le for

therefore only be carried out by authorized

Children should be supervised to ensure that

they do not pla y with the appliance.

• It is dangerous to alter the specifications or

• The domestic refrigerators and freezers are

modify this product in any wa y .

designed to be used specifically for the stor age

• Before any cleaning or maintenance work is carried

of edible f oodstuffs only .

out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance .

• Best performance is obtained with ambient

• This appliance is heavy . Care should be taken

temperature between +18°C and +43°C (class T);

+18°C and +38°C (class ST); +16°C and +32°C

(class N); +10°C and +32°C (class SN). The

• Ice lollies can cause frost burns if consumed

class of your appliance is shown on its r ating

straight from the appliance.

• T ake utmost care when handling your

W ar ning: when the ambient temperature is not

appliance so as not to cause any damages to

included within the range indicated f or the class

the cooling unit with consequent possible

of this appliance, the f ollowing instructions must

be observed: when the ambient temperature

• The appliance must not be located c lose to

drops below the minimum le vel, the storage

radiators or gas cookers.

temperature in the freezer compartment cannot

• A void prolonged exposure of the appliance to

be guaranteed; theref ore it is advisable to use the

food stored as soon as possib le.

• There must be adequate ventilation r ound the

• F rozen food must not be re-froz en once it has

back of the appliance and an y damage to the

been thawed out.

refrigerant circuit must be a voided.

• Manuf acturers’ storage recommendations should

• For freezers only (except b uilt-in models): an

be strictly adhered to. Refer to relev ant

ideal location is the cellar or basement.

• Do not use other electrical appliances (such

• The inner lining of the appliance consists of

as ice cream makers) inside of refrigerating

channels through which the refrigerant passes. If

these should be punctured this would damage the

appliance bey ond repair and cause food loss. DO


• Any electrical work required to install this

frost or ice. Frost ma y be removed by using a

appliance should be carried out by a qualified

plastic scraper . Under no circumstances should

electrician or competent person

solid ice be forced off the liner . Solid ice should be

allowed to tha w when defrosting the appliance.

• This product should be serviced by an authorized

Service Centre, and only genuine spare par ts

• Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the

freezer as it creates pressure on the container ,

which may cause it to e xplode, resulting in

• Under no circumstances should you attempt to

damage to the appliance. Do not use a

• P ar ts which heat up should not be exposed.

mechanical device or an y ar tificial means to

Wherev er possible the back of the product should

speed up the thawing process other than those

be against a wall.

recommended by the manuf acturer . Ne ver use

metal objects for cleaning y our appliance as it

En vir onment Protection

may get damaged.

This appliance does not contain gasses which

could damage the ozone layer , in either its

• During normal operation, the condenser and

refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The

compressor at the back of the appliance heat up

appliance shall not be discarded together with

considerably . For safety reasons , minimum

the urban refuse and rubbish. A void damaging

ventilation must be as sho wn in the instr uctions.

the cooling unit, especially at the rear near the

heat exchanger . Information on y our local

Attention: keep ventilation openings clear of

disposal sites may be obtained fr om municipal

authorities. The materials used on this appliance

• Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance

marked by the symbol are recyclab le .

does not stand on the electrical supply cable.

Important: if the supply cord is damaged, it must

The symbol on the product or on its packaging

be replaced by a special cord or assemb ly availa-

indicates that this product may not be treated as

ble from the manuf acturer or its ser vice agent.

household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to

• If the appliance is transported hor izontally , it is

the applicable collection point f or the recycling of

possible that the oil contained in the compressor

electrical and electronic equipment. By ensur ing this

flows in the refrigerant circuit. It is advisable to

product is disposed of correctly , y ou will help prevent

wait at least two hours bef ore connecting the

potential negative consequences f or the

appliance to allow the oil to flow bac k in the

environment and human health, which could

otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste

• There are working par ts in this product which

handling of this product. For more detailed

heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate

information about recycling of this product, please

ventilation as a f ailure to do this will result in

contact your local city office, y our household waste

component failure and possib le food loss. See

disposal service or the shop where you purchased

W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Use — Cleaning the interior — Operation — T emperature regulation — Quic k-freezing — Freezing fresh f ood — . . . 4

Use — Storage of frozen f ood — Ice-cube production — Operation — T emperatur regulation — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F resh food refrigeration — Thawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Use — Mov able shelves — P ositioning the door shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Hints — Hints for refrigeration — Hints f or freezing — Hints for storage of frozen food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Maintenance — P er iods of no operation — P eriodic cleaning — Illumination lamp — Defrosting . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Customer service and spare parts — T echnical information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Installation — Location — Shelf-holders — Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Installation — Door rev ersibility — Building-in instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Cleaning the interior

Before using the appliance f or the first time, wash

the interior and all inter nal accessories with luke-

warm water and some neutral soap so as to remov e

the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry

Do not use detergents or abrasive

powders, as these will damage the finish.

B. Ther mostat knob

C. Super control light

D . Nor mal/Super push button

For quic k-freezing, push the Nor mal/Super button

Use of the freezer

(D). The super control light (C) will then light up.

The Quick-freezing function accelerates the

Inser t the plug into the wall soc ket. The pilot light (A)

freezing of fresh food and, at the same time ,

will light up, indicating that the appliance is po wered.

protects foodstuffs already stored from undesir able

T ur n the thermostat knob (B), clockwise, bey ond the

«O» (ST OP) position.

If this function is not ended manually , the appliance

switches off the Quic k-freezing function after 52

hours. The yellow light goes out.

T emperature regulation

This function can be ended manually at any time b y

The temperature is automatically regulated and can

pressing the Normal/Super button again. The yellow

be increased to achiev e a higher temperature

(warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob toward

lower ● settings or reduced (colder) rotating the knob

towards higher ● settings.

Freezing fresh food

The 4-star compar tment is suitable f or long ter m

Howe ver , the exact setting should be chosen

storage of commercially frozen f ood and for freezing

keeping in mind that the temperature inside the

refrigerator depends on:

T o freeze fresh foods it is not necessary to move the

thermostat knob from the nor mal setting. Push the

• how often the door is opened;

Normal/Super push button at least 3 hours before

• the quantity of f ood stored;

Place the food to be froz en in the lower of the

• location of appliance.

freezer compartment as this is the coldest par t.

Use of the refrigerator

Storage of frozen f ood

The thermostat is valid for both freez er and

When first star ting-up or after a period out of use,

refrigerator compar tments.

before putting the products in the compartment let

the appliance run for at least two hours on the

coldest setting, then turn the ther mostat knob to the

T emperature regulation

normal operating position.

The temperature is automatically regulated and can

be increased to achiev e a higher temperature

(warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob toward

lower ● settings or reduced (colder) rotating the knob

In the event of accidental defrosting, for example

towards higher ● settings.

due to a power failure, if the power has been off

for longer that the value sho wn in the technical

Howe ver , the exact setting should be chosen

characteristics chart under “rising time”, the

keeping in mind that the temperature inside the

defrosted f ood must be consumed quickly or

refrigerator depends on:

cooked immediately and then refrozen (after

• how often the door is opened;

• the quantity of f ood stored;

• location of appliance.

This appliance is equipped with one or more tra ys

for the production of ice-cubes . Fill these tr ays with

water , then put them in the freezer compartment.

Do not use metallic instruments to remove the

If the ambient temperature is high or the

trays fr om the freez er .

appliance is fully loaded, and the appliance is

set to the lowest temperatures, it may run

continuously causing fr ost to form on the rear

wall. In this case the dial must be set to a higher

Deep-frozen or frozen f ood, prior to being used, can

temperature to allow automatic defrosting and

be thawed in the refrigerator compartment or at

therefore reduced energy consumption.

room temperature, depending on the time a vailable

for this oper ation.

Fresh food refrigeration

Small pieces may e ven be cooked still froz en, directly

from the freezer: in this case , cooking will take longer .

T o obtain the best performance:

• do not store warm food or e vaporating liquids in

• do cov er or wrap the food, particular ly if it has a

strong flav our.

• Position f ood so that air can circulate freely round it.

Mov able shelves

The walls of the refrigerator are equipped with a

series of runners so that the shelves can be

positioned as desired.

For better use of space , the front half-shelves can lie

ov er the rear ones.

P ositioning the door shelves

T o per mit storage of food pac kages of various sizes,

the door shelves can be placed at diff erent heights.

T o make these adjustments proceed as follo ws:

Gradually pull the shelf in the direction of the arrows

until it comes free, then reposition as required.

Hints for refrigeration

• water ices , if consumed immediately after

remov al from the freezer compar tment, can

possibly cause frost b ur ns;

Meat (all types): wrap in polythene bags and place

• it is advisable to sho w the freezing-in date on

on the glass shelf abov e the vegetable dra wer.

each individual pack to enab le you to keep a tab

of the storage time;

For safety , store in this way only one or two da ys

• do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks,

etc.) in the freezer compartment as they may

Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc. these should be

cov ered and may be placed on any shelf .

Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly

cleaned and placed in the special draw er(s)

Hints for stora g e of frozen f ood

T o obtain the best performance from this appliance,

Butter and cheese: these should be placed in

special air tight containers or wrapped in aluminium

• not open the door frequently or leav e it open

foil or polythene bags to e xclude as much air as

longer than absolutely necessary .

• Once defrosted, f ood deteriorates rapidly and

Milk bottles: these should hav e a cap and should

cannot be refrozen.

be stored in the bottle rack on the door .

• Do not e xceed the storage period indicated by

Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not

the food man ufacturer .

packed, must not be kept in the refrigerator .

Hints for freezing

T o help you make the most of the freezing process,

here are some impor tant hints:

• the maximum quantity of f ood which can be

frozen in 24 hrs. is shown on the rating plate;

• the freezing process takes 24 hours . No further

food to be froz en should be added dur ing this

• prepare f ood in small por tions to enable it to be

rapidly and completely frozen and to mak e it

possible subsequently to tha w only the quantity

• wrap up the f ood in aluminium foil or polythene

and make sure that the pac kages are air tight;

• do not allow fresh, unfroz en food to touch f ood

which is already frozen, this av oiding a rise in

temperature of the latter;

P eriods of non-operation

Unplug the appliance before carrying out

When the appliance is not in use for long periods,

any maintenance operation.

take the f ollowing precautions:

remov e the plug from the wall socket;

This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling

unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore

remov e all food;

only be carried out by authorized technicians.

defrost and clean the interior and all accessories;

leav e the door ajar to allow air to circulate to prev ent

P eriodic cleaning

Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of

soda. Rinse and dr y thoroughly .

Clean the condenser (blac k gr ill) and the

compressor at the back of the appliance with a

brush or a vacuum cleaner . This operstion will

improv e the performance of the appliance and save

If it becomes necessary to replace the lamp, press

on the rear hook and at the same time

slide the cov er in the direction indicated by the arrow .

Replace the lamp with one of the same power (the

maximum power is sho wn on the light diffuser).

F rost is automatically eliminated from the evapor ator

of the refrigerator compar tment ev er y time the motor

compressor stops, during normal use. The defrost

water drains out through a trough into a special

container at the back of the appliance, o ver the

motor compressor , where it evapor ates.

It is important to periodically clean the defrost

water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator

compartment channel to prevent the water from

overflowing and dripping onto the f ood inside .

Use the special cleaner pr ovided, whic h you will

find already inserted into the drain hole.

The inner walls of the freezer are automatically


If the appliance is not functioning properly , check

opening is not obstructed (see “Defrosting”

• the plug is firmly in the wall sock et and the mains

• If your appliance is still not w orking properly after

power s witch is on;

making the abov e checks, contact the nearest

• there is an electricity supply (find out by plugging

in another appliance);

T o obtain fast service, it is essential that when you

apply for it y ou specify the model and ser ial number

• the thermostat knob is in the correct position.

of your appliance which can be f ound on the

• If there are water drops on the bottom of the

guarantee certificate or on the rating plate located

cabinet, check that the defrost water dr ain

inside the appliance, on the bottom left-hand side.


F r idge Net Capacity lt.

F reezer Net Capacity lt.

Energy Consumption kWh/24h

Energy Consumption kWh/annuo

F reezing Capacity kg/24h

The T echnical inf o are on the rating plate situated on the left inside the appliance.

It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from

The appliance should be installed well aw ay from

the mains power supply; the plug must therefore be

sources of heat such as radiators, boilers , direct

easily accessible after installation.

Y ourappliance is equipped with shelf retainers that

make it possib le to secure the shelves during

T o remove them proceed as f ollows:

Raise the shelf from the back, push it in the direction

of the arrow until it is freed and remov e the retainers.

Before plugging in, ensure that the v oltage and

This appliance complies with the follo wing

frequency shown on the serial number plate

correspond to your domestic pow er supply . V oltage

— 87/308 EEC of 2/6/87 relative to radio interf erence

can vary by ±6% of the rated v oltage.

For oper ation with different voltages , a suitably sized

— 73/23 EEC of 19.2.73 (Low V oltage Directive) and

auto-transf or mer must be used.

The appliance must be earthed.

— 89/336 EEC of 3.5.89 (Electromagnetic

The power supply cab le plug is provided with a

Compatibility Directive) and subsequent

contact for this purpose.

If the domestic power supply soc ket is not ear thed,

connect the appliance to a separate conductor in

compliance with current regulations, consulting a

The Manufacturer declines all responsibility if

the above safety precautions are not observed.

Instructions for totall y built-in appliances

Door rever sibility

The appliance is supplied with the right or

left door opening. T o change the opening

direction of the door proceed as in the

following instructions bef ore installing it.

1. Unscre w the upper pin and remove the spacer

2. Remo ve the upper door and the upper hinge pin.

3. Remo ve the hinge cov er (A). Unscre w the pins

(B) and spacers (C). Fit the hinge cover (A).

4. Unscrew the lo wer pin and refit it on the opposite

5. Refit the lo wer door.

6. Refit the pins (B) and the spacers (C) on the

middle hinge on the opposite side.

7. Refit the upper door , the hinge pin and the


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